This is our very first post on our new tennis Blog. Visit us often to get news, schedules, events and other information. We have over 125 members in our men and women’s tennis groups, and feel this Blog will be an asset to us by spreading information quickly and effectively.
The women play outdoors on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:00 AM. Monday tennis is a drop in, so you can just show up and play. The Thursday tennis is on a first come, first serve basis. For the Thursday tennis, you must sign up on the “Sign Up Sheets” each week on the Bulletin Board which is located in the hallway behind the pro shop.
Our next event is a Summer Kickoff Tennis Mixer/Pot Luck which is scheduled for Sunday, June 3 from 2:00 – 5:00 PM. There will be a Pot Luck at Ron and Gail Hedy’s home following the mixer. The mixer is free. Bring a dish to pass around and your drinks to the pot luck. The main dish will be provided. Sign up on the “Sign Up Sheet” on the Tennis Bulletin Board in the hallway behind the pro shop. If your spouse/significant other doesn’t play tennis, they are still welcome to join us. It should be lots of fun.
There are two women’s USTA Super Senior teams (age 60+) Interclub. The matches are played at 8:00 AM on Friday mornings. If you are interested in participating, contact Carrie Sharp at 720-479-8414. Our teams play their first league game on May 11th – wish us luck! Last year, our Super Senior team played in the District finals and lost by only one match! This year, we have two teams, pretty in pink and gorgeous in gold – come cheer us on!
The photograph was taken May 8 during tennis drills by John Gibas.