Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Deck the Halls!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
News from our Travelers
Hi to all of you fun girls on our tennis team. It is Jean checking in from Las Vegas. I'm playing lots of tennis. The weather is in the high 70's unusual for this time of year. It cools off at night now but still shorts weather in the day time. I miss all of you and think of you often.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Jean D.
Winter tennis is "Summer Tennis" here in Hawaii and its hot! I am playing three times a week, and that's plenty as it takes a while to acclimate. Fun times though and my Monday/Wednesday groups are all really good and keep me on my toes. It sounds like weather has been good in Denver for your guys to continue playing through November. That's super!
Miss you guys and wish you a great Thanksgiving. Elinor N.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Jean D.
Winter tennis is "Summer Tennis" here in Hawaii and its hot! I am playing three times a week, and that's plenty as it takes a while to acclimate. Fun times though and my Monday/Wednesday groups are all really good and keep me on my toes. It sounds like weather has been good in Denver for your guys to continue playing through November. That's super!
Miss you guys and wish you a great Thanksgiving. Elinor N.
Monday, November 17, 2008
A Message from the Foothills
Here at Sun City Vistoso, nestled in the foothills of the Catalina Mountains, our active adult retirement community has many, many activities. We have 8 tennis courts. The ladies play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There are two groups. There is the 8:00 AM group, and at 10:00 we call it "advanced". That's where I play. We have another group, smaller, that only uses two courts, and they play later in the day - they are really advanced. There is our annual women's tournament coming up the end of this month. It is set up to go up both sides of a ladder. In other words, if you lose a match, you get pushed to the other side. Last year my partner and I won the "other" side!!
We will probably visit with Jenny and Larry L. over Thanksgiving weekend, as we'll head up to the Phoenix area to spend the holiday with Al's son. And, we'll be playing tennis, doing dinner, and then playing bridge with Ron and Penny S. this month. I'll be going out to Heritage Highlands (Heb's sister community) and will try to locate John and JoAnn.
Take care up there -- and keep warm.
Happy Thanksgiving! Lynne N.
We will probably visit with Jenny and Larry L. over Thanksgiving weekend, as we'll head up to the Phoenix area to spend the holiday with Al's son. And, we'll be playing tennis, doing dinner, and then playing bridge with Ron and Penny S. this month. I'll be going out to Heritage Highlands (Heb's sister community) and will try to locate John and JoAnn.
Take care up there -- and keep warm.
Happy Thanksgiving! Lynne N.
Tennis Witches' Luncheon

About 75 witches and others donned their costumes to attend a Witches' Luncheon on October 31st. The tennis group had their own "witches table"and we are pleased to say we think we represented our club very well. In fact, Corky was chosen to go through to the finals in the "Best Witch Contest" but unfortunately lost to a witch who had one eye in the middle of her forehead! Anyhow, a good time was had by all and some even took advantage of having their fortunes read by palm readers and Tarot cards.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Update on Tennis News at HEB
For some unknown reason, our contribution to the HEB Magazine was not included in the October issue. In an effort to keep you all informed, I decided instead to post it on our blog. Please note that I have removed any personal information.
The Eagle Bend Tennis Club Mixer held on September 20th was a great success. Approximately 30 members participated on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The day finished with an excellent buffet supper at the Eagle Nest Restaurant. Even those members, who could not play tennis in the afternoon, came and joined us for the evening event.
During the winter months, we will have an indoor Mixer, probably in February 2009. More details to follow.
We would love your help! A nominating committee has been formed to approach likely candidates for positions on next year’s Board. There are also several positions available for the various committees that run our tennis programs. Please, if you can help in any way, we would love to hear from you. Contact Jan or Ron and they will put you in touch with the nominating committee.
Tennis Leagues
Our leagues have finished for 2008, but watch out early next year when we will be recruiting players.
Evening Tennis
Wednesday evening tennis has dropped off a little due to the time of year, but those wishing to play should still turn up at 7:00 PM. To learn more details please contact Marlene or Hugh.
Women’s Tennis
Due to the cooler weather, both Monday morning and Thursday morning tennis now begin at 9:00 AM. Both are “drop-in” sessions. During the winter months, the tennis ladies meet monthly at the Eagle Bend Eagle Nest Restaurant – just to keep in touch.
Men’s Tennis
Saturday and Tuesday are averaging about eight men using two courts.
They meet at 9:00 AM and sometimes have lunch after tennis.
Beginner/Refresher Tennis
The program for beginner/refresher tennis has finished for this year although members are encouraged to play on Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM on court #4.
Mixed/Ladies/Men’s Tennis
Our regular mixed/ladies/men’s tennis sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM. We play mixed doubles, ladies doubles and men’s doubles. Come with or without a partner and we will do our best to accommodate you.
HEB Tennis Blogs
Liz and Larry welcome contributions to their respective blogs. If you have photographs or tennis news, please check out your HEB magazine for their telephone numbers/email addresses.
Tennis Club Meetings
Our next meeting will be held on January 5th 2009 at 7:00 PM.
The Eagle Bend Tennis Club Mixer held on September 20th was a great success. Approximately 30 members participated on a beautiful Saturday afternoon. The day finished with an excellent buffet supper at the Eagle Nest Restaurant. Even those members, who could not play tennis in the afternoon, came and joined us for the evening event.
During the winter months, we will have an indoor Mixer, probably in February 2009. More details to follow.
We would love your help! A nominating committee has been formed to approach likely candidates for positions on next year’s Board. There are also several positions available for the various committees that run our tennis programs. Please, if you can help in any way, we would love to hear from you. Contact Jan or Ron and they will put you in touch with the nominating committee.
Tennis Leagues
Our leagues have finished for 2008, but watch out early next year when we will be recruiting players.
Evening Tennis
Wednesday evening tennis has dropped off a little due to the time of year, but those wishing to play should still turn up at 7:00 PM. To learn more details please contact Marlene or Hugh.
Women’s Tennis
Due to the cooler weather, both Monday morning and Thursday morning tennis now begin at 9:00 AM. Both are “drop-in” sessions. During the winter months, the tennis ladies meet monthly at the Eagle Bend Eagle Nest Restaurant – just to keep in touch.
Men’s Tennis
Saturday and Tuesday are averaging about eight men using two courts.
They meet at 9:00 AM and sometimes have lunch after tennis.
Beginner/Refresher Tennis
The program for beginner/refresher tennis has finished for this year although members are encouraged to play on Wednesday morning at 9:00 AM on court #4.
Mixed/Ladies/Men’s Tennis
Our regular mixed/ladies/men’s tennis sessions are held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM. We play mixed doubles, ladies doubles and men’s doubles. Come with or without a partner and we will do our best to accommodate you.
HEB Tennis Blogs
Liz and Larry welcome contributions to their respective blogs. If you have photographs or tennis news, please check out your HEB magazine for their telephone numbers/email addresses.
Tennis Club Meetings
Our next meeting will be held on January 5th 2009 at 7:00 PM.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
3.0 ladies Season Ends
Coordinators for September

Lynn N. was our coordinator for the month of September (left) for our Thursday tennis sesssions. She was unable to finish the month but was assisted by Nancy B. (right) for the last week.
We thank all our coordinators for the summer of 2008. We appreciate your time and dedication to our club.
During the month of October, the Thursday session will now become a "drop in" starting at 9:00 AM.
Friday, September 5, 2008
August Coordinator

Monday, August 25, 2008
Battle at the Bend Photo Album
During the Battle at the Bend tournament last month, John Posluszny visited all four courts and took some fantastic photographs of the participants during warm up and play. He provided some great shots and since they are so varied...I asked if I could put them into an album for everyone to enjoy, and he kindly agreed. If you would like to see his photographs, please click on the link below.
Thank you John for sharing them with us.
Thank you John for sharing them with us.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Carol was our coordinator for the month of July. This is always a lot of work and we thank her for doing a great job.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
HEB Tennis Club Championships
Photo: Three ladies who participated in the last tournament. Left to right: Tricia, Carol and Liz.
The deadline is fast approaching for the HEB Tennis Club Championships. Please have your Entry Forms returned to the Front Desk by this Sunday, August 17th. If you don't have an Entry Form, you can get one at the Front Desk.
The matches will be played on Saturday & Sunday, August 23rd & 24th. If you would like to play, but have a conflict on one of those days, we can work around it. Just mention on your Entry Form what times you will be unavailable.
This will be a great tournament! We have Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles and Mixed Doubles. There are 3 levels, so no matter what your level, you can be sure to get some competitive matches.
We have quite a few teams registered already, so get your Entry Forms in ASAP. John Gibas is the Tournament Director, so you can be sure that the tournament will be great! You can enter with or without a partner. John will match you up with someone at your level if you don't sign up with a partner. We hope you join us in a great tournament!
Ron Hedy
Monday, July 14, 2008
East vs West
Also, congratulations to the West Team who put up a valiant try. It was nip and tuck the whole day.
Thanks for all those who helped put this together. It was a great success!!
A plaque was awarded to the East at the Awards Banquet and will be on display in the Club House.
This will be an annual event, so plan on playing again next year.
Ron Hedy & Jan Rankin
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wednesday Evening Tennis

Four men and four women enjoyed a great evening of tennis for the second week running. This new evening program began on June 4th by Marlene (front center) and Hugh (kneeling). Their business schedules did not allow them to participate in the early morning tennis sessions at HEB, so they organized a 7:00 - 9:00 PM Wednesday drop in tennis group. For more information contact either Marlene or Huge for details through their email.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
East vs West Tournament - Battle at the Bend
We finally have the sign up sheet on the bulletin board for the East vs. West Tennis Tournament, so any of you who would like to play can now sign up. Be sure to put your name on the correct sheet depending on if you live East or West of Gartrell Road. The tournament is Saturday, July 12th and is free. Tennis will be played most of the day and a draw sheet will be made up a few days ahead of time, so you will know approximately what time your match will start. Everyone who signs up will play at least one match. We will have Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles and a "Mixed Doubles Super Tie Breaker" at the end of the tournament.
If you want to attend the Awards Banquet, the cost is $15.00 and you can pay at the Welcome Desk. You should pay with a check, because they will only be collecting the money for us, and will turn over the checks to us periodically. Make your checks out to "HEB Tennis Club". The banquet will start at 6:00 p.m. and will be held either in the Humboldt Room or the Lower Lobby of the Club House, depending on how many people we have.
Your spouse is welcome to come watch us play and root us on, and they are definitely welcome to attend the Awards Banquet.
Please sign up for the Tournament and the Banquet as soon as possible, so we can get a count as to how many we will have. Thanks,
Ron & Gail Hedy
Social Committee
P.S. The menu for the Awards Banquet is: Mixed Green Salad, Chicken & Beef Fajitas, Black Beans, Spanish Rice, Desserts, Iced Tea, Lemonade & Coffee. The $15.00 cost is inclusive of the above menu, tax and tip. We will also have a cash bar available.
If you want to attend the Awards Banquet, the cost is $15.00 and you can pay at the Welcome Desk. You should pay with a check, because they will only be collecting the money for us, and will turn over the checks to us periodically. Make your checks out to "HEB Tennis Club". The banquet will start at 6:00 p.m. and will be held either in the Humboldt Room or the Lower Lobby of the Club House, depending on how many people we have.
Your spouse is welcome to come watch us play and root us on, and they are definitely welcome to attend the Awards Banquet.
Please sign up for the Tournament and the Banquet as soon as possible, so we can get a count as to how many we will have. Thanks,
Ron & Gail Hedy
Social Committee
P.S. The menu for the Awards Banquet is: Mixed Green Salad, Chicken & Beef Fajitas, Black Beans, Spanish Rice, Desserts, Iced Tea, Lemonade & Coffee. The $15.00 cost is inclusive of the above menu, tax and tip. We will also have a cash bar available.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Monday Morning Tennis
However, Thursday (sign up tennis) is still scheduled for 9:00 AM through approximately 11:00 AM. Afterwards, some ladies stay to have lunch at the Eagles Nest restaurant.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Upcoming Events

Breakfast at Wimbledon on Saturday, July 5th. We are planning to have an authentic English breakfast served as we watch the final matches at Wimbledon. Check out the bulletin board for more details.
Our new Bulletin Board is expected to be installed in the next few days. There will be sign up sheets to reserve courts, information on upcoming events and much, much more. In the meantime, check out the bulletin board behind the Pro shop.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Chocolate Cup Tournament
One of our member at HEB has informed us of a women's only tennis tournament to be held in Vail in June. The organizers are looking for 3.5 players or entire 3.5 teams to compete in a tournament called the Chocolate Cup. Contact Chris Layne, 140 Fairfax Street, Denver, CO 80220. Phone: 303-377-9083 for details. The entry form says it is for 4.0 ladies but it can be used for any 3.5 entrants.
June 1st Summer Kickoff Mixer
We had a great turn out for the Summer Kickoff Mixer & Pot Luck! We had 40 tennis players and about 65 people at our Pot Luck supper. It was a lot of fun and we had some new players attend. This event is always well attended and is a good way for everyone in our community to get together. The afternoon was perfect and we played some great tennis. Everyone brought a dish for the Pot Luck supper afterwards, and a good time was had by all.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We have changed our dates for our Tennis Club meetings from the second Monday of each month to the first Monday of each month. We had a problem with meeting the deadline for our newsletter articles, so we moved the meetings up one week. Therefore, our next HEB Tennis Club meeting will be this Monday, June 2nd @ 7:00 p.m. at the Club House.
We hope to see many of you there.
Ron Hedy & Jan Rankin
We hope to see many of you there.
Ron Hedy & Jan Rankin
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Battle at the Bend
On Saturday, July 12th, we are planning a "Battle at the Bend" tennis event which will pit East vs. West (of Gartrell). The event will include Men's, Women's and Mixed Doubles matches. It will be an all day event with a tournament type format. All players are encouraged to sign up on the Bulletin Board. The sign up sheet will be available after June 1st.
The captain of the East team is Ron Hedy. The captain of the West team is Jan Rankin.
Afterwards, we will have an "awards ceremony" (including a meal of some sort) with the winning team taking home the trophy and having bragging rights until next year.
Encourage your neighbors to participate, so you can have the best team possible. Keep July 12th open, so you can participate. It will be a lot of fun.
Ron & Gail Hedy
Social Committee
P.S. Don't forget about our Summer Kickoff Mixer on Sunday, June 1st. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
The captain of the East team is Ron Hedy. The captain of the West team is Jan Rankin.
Afterwards, we will have an "awards ceremony" (including a meal of some sort) with the winning team taking home the trophy and having bragging rights until next year.
Encourage your neighbors to participate, so you can have the best team possible. Keep July 12th open, so you can participate. It will be a lot of fun.
Ron & Gail Hedy
Social Committee
P.S. Don't forget about our Summer Kickoff Mixer on Sunday, June 1st. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Important Date Change
The monthly meetings for the Eagle Bend Tennis Club have been changed from the second Monday in the month to the first Monday in the month. The next meeting will be held on June 2nd at HEB clubhouse at 7:00 PM. Please plan on attending because we value your comments and suggestions.
San Francisco - Here I Come!!!
Three cheers for one of our HEB members, Violet Marquez who participated in the Rocky Mountain Senior Games in Greeley, Colorado from May 14-17. Violet won a gold medal in the women's doubles age group from 75-79 years old and a second gold in the mixed doubles age group 70-75. These two wins qualify Violet to participate in the 2009 National Senior Games in the San Francisco Bay Area. Violet said yesterday "San Francisco here I come!!!"
Well done Violet. We are very proud of you and know you will do well in California.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
2008 Gold Team Match Schedule
5/9/2008___CACI BLUE___HEB GOLD_____CACI
5/16/2008__HEB GOLD____Bye__________N/A
5/23/2008__LTC BLUE____HEB GOLD_____Morse
5/30/2008__HEB GOLD____NJ GREEN_____HEB
6/13/2008__HEB GOLD____CACM RED_____HEB
6/20/2008__HEB GOLD____Bye__________N/A
6/27/2008__GTC GREEN___HEB GOLD_____Gates
7/11/2008__NJ BLUE_____HEB GOLD_____Arvada
All matches start at 8.00 AM
5/9/2008___CACI BLUE___HEB GOLD_____CACI
5/16/2008__HEB GOLD____Bye__________N/A
5/23/2008__LTC BLUE____HEB GOLD_____Morse
5/30/2008__HEB GOLD____NJ GREEN_____HEB
6/13/2008__HEB GOLD____CACM RED_____HEB
6/20/2008__HEB GOLD____Bye__________N/A
6/27/2008__GTC GREEN___HEB GOLD_____Gates
7/11/2008__NJ BLUE_____HEB GOLD_____Arvada
All matches start at 8.00 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Spring Tennis
Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder that when the weather is good, there will be drop-in tennis at 9:00 AM on Mondays.
Thursday play will also be at 9:00 AM but you will need to sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway by the Golf Pro Shop. The sign-up sheets are there for the month of May. Remember that you will need to be signed up by 3:00 PM on Wednesday in order to give the person in charge enough time to get a rotation prepared. Our first scheduled day of play will be next Thursday, May 1st.
The wind screens up should be installed soon. The wind and being short of help at HEB has delayed the progress! We have to have them installed soon because the Ladies Super Senior 3.0 team will be starting soon.
Just a reminder that when the weather is good, there will be drop-in tennis at 9:00 AM on Mondays.
Thursday play will also be at 9:00 AM but you will need to sign up on the bulletin board in the hallway by the Golf Pro Shop. The sign-up sheets are there for the month of May. Remember that you will need to be signed up by 3:00 PM on Wednesday in order to give the person in charge enough time to get a rotation prepared. Our first scheduled day of play will be next Thursday, May 1st.
The wind screens up should be installed soon. The wind and being short of help at HEB has delayed the progress! We have to have them installed soon because the Ladies Super Senior 3.0 team will be starting soon.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Anyone for Tennis?
Photo courtesy: Nancy Bishoff
Monday Tennis - April 14 at 10:00 a.m. - Temperature was beautiful for playing tennis and there was no wind according to Nancy Bishoff (top right). Five ladies turned out for the first tennis of the season, but one lady had to leave early and therefore was not photographed. Thank you Nancy for remembering to take your camera - we greatly appreciate your efforts. The other players included:
Carrie Sharp (bottom right)
Connie Sheats (bottom left)
Janice Allmacher (bottom center)
Rita Samber (not photographed)
Nancy Bishoff (top right)
Nancy reported "We had a good time and kind of played a round-robin...one doubles game...it worked out well... and no one had to sit out too long."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Eagle Bend Tennis News
Annual Summer Kick Off Mixer
We are pleased to announce the first Mixer and BBQ of the season. It will be held on Sunday, June 1st from 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM. There will be a sign up sheet for those interested in attending on the Bulletin Board behind the Pro Shop. These events are always such fun, and a good way to meet other tennis players. Please put this on your schedule and watch this space for more details.
Tennis Leagues
We currently have 9 ladies who have signed up for the Super Senior 6.0 USTA league that begins the first week of May. The men have formed a USTA 7.0 team and both teams look forward to a fun and entertaining season. We welcome members of HEB to come and see the men and women’s matches. It is always good to hear the cheers of support from our friends.
We are pleased to announce the first Mixer and BBQ of the season. It will be held on Sunday, June 1st from 3:00 PM until 6:00 PM. There will be a sign up sheet for those interested in attending on the Bulletin Board behind the Pro Shop. These events are always such fun, and a good way to meet other tennis players. Please put this on your schedule and watch this space for more details.
Tennis Leagues
We currently have 9 ladies who have signed up for the Super Senior 6.0 USTA league that begins the first week of May. The men have formed a USTA 7.0 team and both teams look forward to a fun and entertaining season. We welcome members of HEB to come and see the men and women’s matches. It is always good to hear the cheers of support from our friends.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Mixer at Monaco
We thank Gail and Ron Hedy for arranging the event, organizing the players into their respective teams, taking the tennis balls, etc. The Athletic Club of Monaco gave away free passes, so it was a win-win for us all.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
2008 Officers of HEB Tennis
Treasurer: Carol Chiolero
Co-President: Ron Hedy
Secretary: Liz Wallace
Co-President: Jan Rankin.
At our monthly meeting last night, we discussed the future of our club and the expectations of our members. Many different ideas and concepts were suggested as well as the formation of the USTA 2008 leagues. There are sign up sheets for these leagues on the Bulletin Board behind the Pro Shop. However, the slots are filling up fast, so we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible.
Note: If you have contributions to this blog, please email your photo and text.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Indoor Tennis Mixer
We are changing the date of the Indoor Tennis Mixer @ CAC Monaco. It was originally planned for January 26, but it will be moved to Saturday, February 23rd. The time and cost is the same (6:00 - 9:00 p.m. - $12.00/player). We hope this date works better for most of you. There is a new sign up sheet on the bulletin board. If you'd like to, you can just reply to this email and I'll put your name on the sign up sheet on the bulletin board (or you can sign up yourself). If you were signed up before, please let me know again if you plan on playing on the new date.
If you have already paid, I can either keep your money and put it toward this mixer or I can return your money if you cannot play.
This gives us a little more time to put this together, but I would still appreciate your response sooner, rather than later, if possible.
Gail Hedy
If you have already paid, I can either keep your money and put it toward this mixer or I can return your money if you cannot play.
This gives us a little more time to put this together, but I would still appreciate your response sooner, rather than later, if possible.
Gail Hedy
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