
Monday, June 16, 2008

Wednesday Evening Tennis

Four men and four women enjoyed a great evening of tennis for the second week running. This new evening program began on June 4th by Marlene (front center) and Hugh (kneeling). Their business schedules did not allow them to participate in the early morning tennis sessions at HEB, so they organized a 7:00 - 9:00 PM Wednesday drop in tennis group. For more information contact either Marlene or Huge for details through their email.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

East vs West Tournament - Battle at the Bend

We finally have the sign up sheet on the bulletin board for the East vs. West Tennis Tournament, so any of you who would like to play can now sign up. Be sure to put your name on the correct sheet depending on if you live East or West of Gartrell Road. The tournament is Saturday, July 12th and is free. Tennis will be played most of the day and a draw sheet will be made up a few days ahead of time, so you will know approximately what time your match will start. Everyone who signs up will play at least one match. We will have Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles and a "Mixed Doubles Super Tie Breaker" at the end of the tournament.

If you want to attend the Awards Banquet, the cost is $15.00 and you can pay at the Welcome Desk. You should pay with a check, because they will only be collecting the money for us, and will turn over the checks to us periodically. Make your checks out to "HEB Tennis Club". The banquet will start at 6:00 p.m. and will be held either in the Humboldt Room or the Lower Lobby of the Club House, depending on how many people we have.

Your spouse is welcome to come watch us play and root us on, and they are definitely welcome to attend the Awards Banquet.

Please sign up for the Tournament and the Banquet as soon as possible, so we can get a count as to how many we will have. Thanks,

Ron & Gail Hedy
Social Committee

P.S. The menu for the Awards Banquet is: Mixed Green Salad, Chicken & Beef Fajitas, Black Beans, Spanish Rice, Desserts, Iced Tea, Lemonade & Coffee. The $15.00 cost is inclusive of the above menu, tax and tip. We will also have a cash bar available.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday Morning Tennis

Eleven ladies turned out for drop-in tennis this morning. The weather was absolutely perfect with no wind. This was the first time everyone got together at 8:00 AM instead of the customary 9:00 AM get together, and they loved it!

However, Thursday (sign up tennis) is still scheduled for 9:00 AM through approximately 11:00 AM. Afterwards, some ladies stay to have lunch at the Eagles Nest restaurant.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Upcoming Events

Battle at the Bend Tournament on Saturday, July 12th. The “battle” will be between HEB members living on the east and the west side of Gartrell. The day long event will finish with an awards banquet. A sign up sheet will be on our new bulletin board (hopefully installed in the next few days) and will be located by the gazebo at the tennis courts.

Breakfast at Wimbledon on Saturday, July 5th. We are planning to have an authentic English breakfast served as we watch the final matches at Wimbledon. Check out the bulletin board for more details.

Our new Bulletin Board is expected to be installed in the next few days. There will be sign up sheets to reserve courts, information on upcoming events and much, much more. In the meantime, check out the bulletin board behind the Pro shop.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chocolate Cup Tournament

One of our member at HEB has informed us of a women's only tennis tournament to be held in Vail in June. The organizers are looking for 3.5 players or entire 3.5 teams to compete in a tournament called the Chocolate Cup. Contact Chris Layne, 140 Fairfax Street, Denver, CO 80220. Phone: 303-377-9083 for details. The entry form says it is for 4.0 ladies but it can be used for any 3.5 entrants.

June 1st Summer Kickoff Mixer

We had a great turn out for the Summer Kickoff Mixer & Pot Luck! We had 40 tennis players and about 65 people at our Pot Luck supper. It was a lot of fun and we had some new players attend. This event is always well attended and is a good way for everyone in our community to get together. The afternoon was perfect and we played some great tennis. Everyone brought a dish for the Pot Luck supper afterwards, and a good time was had by all.