
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Mixer on Saturday 20th September

The last Mixer of the summer was held on September 20th. About 30 members participated using all four courts. Some members sit and relax between sessions.

All the participants (and some who were not able to play during the day) enjoyed a great buffet meal at the Eagle Nest Restaurant.

3.0 ladies Season Ends

Left to right: Anita P and Donna R.

The 3.0. ladies doubles league finished with a great party at Donna R. (right) house on September 16th. The ladies enjoyed getting together and reliving some of their experiences during the season. We thank you Donna for hosting the event.

Coordinators for September

Lynn N. was our coordinator for the month of September (left) for our Thursday tennis sesssions. She was unable to finish the month but was assisted by Nancy B. (right) for the last week.
We thank all our coordinators for the summer of 2008. We appreciate your time and dedication to our club.
During the month of October, the Thursday session will now become a "drop in" starting at 9:00 AM.