
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ladies USTA 3.0 and 3.5 Teams in First Place

We are pleased to annouce that at the current time the Super Seniors 3.0 (Carrie's team) and 3.5 (Carol's team) USTA are in first place in their respective leagues. Well done to you all! We are so proud of you, and wish you every good luck so that you can represent HEB at Districts. Photos of teams will be posted another day as and when I get them.

Appetizer and Dessert Party

Thank you Gail and Ron for opening your house to the HEB Tennis Club last Saturday. Everyone was asked to bring an appetizer or a dessert to share with others at the party. We had everything from meatballs to chocolate pie, and much, much more. The beer and wine flowed...and everyone had a great time. Thank you Gail and Ron (who stopped for a moment, so I could take his photo.)