
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Warriors Return

The full team - all nine ladies!
From left to right: Janice, Violet, Penny, Carrie (Captain) Gigi, Tricia, Lynn, Marlene and Carol

The HEB Super Senior 3.0 ladies returned to Colorado over te weekend. They had a wonderful tournament -- winning some and losing some...but overall had a fantastic time representing the tennis club here at Heritage Eagle Bend.

Following is short report from Captain Carrie to her players and supporters.

"I love being the captain more than playing!!Thank you for your great, gutsy play at Nationals,in the hot desert sun through tie-breakers, controversial situations, testy opponents, etc.You were all warriors! And, we still had fun, fellowships, birthday parties, pool gatherings, great dinners and LOTS of laughs!"

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