
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hardy Gals

Even after the first snow of the winter, the gals at HEB continue to play tennis - albeit wearing warmer clothes. It is not unusual to have temperatures in the 50's in Colorado, and, at such times, the ladies can be seen sweeping the snow from the courts to allow the sun to dry them off.
Left to right: Louise, Liz, Jan and Gail.


Jan and Liz invited Sosanna to a farewell dinner just before she left for India to visit family over the Christmas holidays. Many of our tennis members at HEB fly away to a warmer climate to escape the winter months here in Colorado, but Sosanna had a particularly long journey.We wish her a wonderful visit with her mother and extended family members.

Our Christmas Tree

Lots of fun was had by Nancy, Liz and Jan erecting our Christmas tree this year. Gone are the old tennis balls that were used (and decorated) by our tennis players. Now we proudly sport (no pun intended) new decorations, all with the tennis theme. We won't win any prizes...but we did enjoy ourselves.