
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Our Tennis Tree

Once again, our ladies have done an excellent job of decorating our Christmas tree. Last year, some members got together to make tennis related tree decorations using tennis balls, ribbon and other embellishments for our very first Christmas tree at HEB. One member searched the net and found tennis ball Christmas tree lights and even found fabric that resembled netting. She used the fabric to make decorative ribbons that were used on the tree last year and again this year. Congrats to our tennis ladies for decorating our tree so beautifully!
As a reminder...since the weather is often nice enough to play even through the winter, Gail has suggested that we use the 50 degree rule to play as we did last winter. When the temperature is around 50 degrees (or above!) we should call each other to see if a match or two can be organized. Gail will notify members by email if a scheduled meeting is organized.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Keeping in Touch

We understand from Nancy that her mother regularly checks our blog for news on our tennis club at HEB. Ruby is 97 years old (can you believe that?) and has been using the internet for the last five years. Ruby, we welcome you to our site and love the fact that you are interested in our events.

Four ladies turned out this morning for our Thursday session and Nancy played a great game. We are thoroughly enjoying the beautiful weather here in Colorado because we know how quickly that can change. We take every opportunity we can to enjoy this glorious weather.

Keep checking our site Ruby. We'll 'post' again soon. By the way, we all think it's fantastic that you are "surfing the web" - congratulations to you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Fall and Winter Tennis

Hi Ladies,

It looks like the weather is supposed to be nice on Thursday, the 8th. Let's plan on playing tennis at 9:00 a.m. With the time change it'll seem more like 10:00, so the sun will be a little higher and the weather should be a little warmer. See you then.

Gail Hedy

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Year End Party

The senior team celebrated this past week with a party at Jan's house. Wine, appetizers and lots of fun and laughter were squeezed into a busy week. Carol, our captain (far left) enjoyed opening her gifts as we all thanked her for a job well done.

(Photo courtesy Tricia)

Year End Mixer

Can you believe that our season of tennis officially ended? Where does the time go? In any event, the year end mixer was a great success with some good tennis, hotdogs, BBQ chicken and a little liquid refreshment on the patio at HEB. About 25-30 people attended and I'm told that everyone enjoyed themselves.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Blue Skies!

The weather was absolutely gorgeous on Thursday - blue sky, slight breeze and the temperature was perfect! Six ladies turned out for our last Sign Up session, so we played some singles and doubles for almost two hours. Everyone really enjoyed the morning.

Don't forget that from now on...we meet on Monday and Thursday at 9:00 AM. Both days will be on a "Drop In" basis (no signup sheets until next Spring) - see you on court!

Photograph left to right: Liz, Jenny and Lynne.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mixer on Saturday 29th

Hi Everyone,

This is just a reminder about our End-Of-Summer Tennis Mixer & BBQ scheduled for this Saturday. The tennis is from 3:00 - 6:00 and is free. The BBQ follows the tennis and is from 6:00 - 8:00 on the patio at the Club House.

The BBQ is either $5.00 or $7.00 depending on what you order.

Please bring some lawn chairs so we have someplace to sit while sitting out.

We will play some Mixed, Men's & Ladies doubles.

There is still time to sign up, so if you haven't done so yet, please sign up on the Tennis Bulletin Board. Our Mixers are always a lot of fun, so we hope to see you there.

Gail Hedy

Drop In Tennis on Monday and Thursday

Hi Ladies,

Our Thursday tennis for tomorrow, September 27th will be our regular format, but starting next week our Monday and Thursday tennis will be drop in tennis.

Starting next week, (and continuing through the Fall) Monday and Thursday tennis will begin @ 9:00 a.m. and they will both be drop in tennis. Please bring your own balls and we will play whoever shows up.

I should be back in town next week and I look forward to playing tennis with you all. I've really missed playing these last couple of weeks. See you then.

Gail Hedy

Friday, September 21, 2007

Thursday Sign Up Session

Only four ladies turned up for tennis at our Thursday sign-up session yesterday: Tricia, Jenny, Nancy and Liz. We had a great time and the weather was absolutely beautiful! Let's hope there will be plenty of days where we can enjoy tennis well into the Fall season.

Don't forget to sign up for next week!

Social Tennis Evening

On Wednesday night this week, we had four visitors from Piney Creek Tennis Club who came for our very first social tennis evening. Even though the wind was brisk, we played for almost two and a half hours and had a lot of fun. The ladies from Piney Creek are quite competitive, in fact, the ladies from HEB felt as though they were playing a league match!

Next week, we are invited to Piney Creek on Tuesday night. Check in to see how we get on.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Quick Reminder about Mixer

This is just a reminder to sign up for the End-Of-Summer Tennis Mixer & BBQ. Sign up on the Bulletin Board in the hallway behind the pro shop.

The Mixer is Saturday, September 29th from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. The BBQ follows the tennis from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. and will be held on the patio at the Club House. The tennis is free and the BBQ is either $5.00 for hamburgers or hot dogs -or- $7.00 for bratwurst or chicken.

Please sign up soon so we can get a count for the BBQ. Thanks,

Gail Hedy

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tournament at Pinehurst Country Club

Left to right: Liz, Joann, Jan, Carol, Elinor, Violet and Jenny (kneeling).

The Super Senior "Pink" team took HEB Tennis Club to the district playoffs again this year. The tournament was played at the Pinehurst Country Club on September 11 and 12th. Although several of our regular players were on vacation, we had some great matches some of which went to tie breakers with scores of 10-8 and 13-11. We are glad to annouce that our team came in 2nd place.

Note: Several of our opponents said "Where is HEB anyway? We haven't heard of you before - how long have you had a team?" It's nice to be recognized by other tennis clubs and of course getting placed 2nd in the tournament. You know we will do our best to represent HEB again in 2008!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Morning Time Change

Hi Ladies,

Due to the predicted cool weather forcast for the next couple of weeks, we will move our Monday tennis to 9:00 a.m. through the rest of the Fall. We'll begin our new starting time tomorrow (the 10th). Hopefully, everyone will read this message before then.

Also, concerning our Thursday tennis, we have used all of the tennis balls that we contributed toward for the summer. So, for the rest of the Fall, we will each just bring balls and take turns opening new balls each week.

Don't forget our Tennis Club meeting tomorrow, Monday the 10th, at 7:00 p.m. at the Club House. See you then.

Gail Hedy

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Tournament at Inverness

Seen here left to right are: Jenny, Liz, Joann, Mo, Donna, Carol and Violet who made up the HEB Senior "Pink" team at the Athletic Club at Inverness Tournament. Unfortunately, we did not get through to the finals, but we did our best and represented our club to the fullest. Over and over again, our opponents said "You guys are such fun to play and so competitive..."

It was great to participate in the tournament against the best clubs in Colorado, especially Thornton Tennis Club which is regarded as one of the strongest clubs in the area. We took one match from them and took another to a tie breaker --We look forward to next year!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Senior Celebrate Going to Districts

The ladies from the Senior HEB Pink team celebrate their win a few weeks ago. This win, together with their win last week, takes them to the District Play Offs that begin on Sept 7th and continue through Sept. 9th. Well done ladies and good luck to you all!

End of Summer Mixer

We are planning an End-Of-Summer Tennis Mixer & BBQ on Saturday, September 29. Tennis will be from 3:00 - 6:00 and the BBQ will be on the Patio at the Club House from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. It will be the same as the July mixer with Hot Dogs & Bratwurst for $5.00 and Hamburgers & Chicken for $7.00.

There will be a Sign Up Sheet on the Tennis Bulletin Board today. Please try to sign up early, so we can get a count as to the number of participants.

Come out and enjoy an End-Of-Summer tennis get together. See you then.

Gail Hedy

Wednesday Night Tennis Social

We are glad to annouce that eleven ladies have signed up for the interclub tennis on Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM. Unfortunately, each time we've been scheduled to play the ladies from Piney Creek Tennis Club, we've been rained out.

We are tentively scheduled to play on Wednesday, Sept. 19th. The players who responded to Gail's initial email requesting interest in the Wednesday social tennis are: Violet, Joy, Jenny and Liz. The following week, on Sept. 26th, the next four ladies who signed up will be contacted to see if they want to play on that date, if they do not, we'll go on to the next in line and so on.

Liz has a list of all the players who have signed up for the interclub social tennis and she contact you via email to let you all know the details.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Interclub Social Tennis

HEB Tennis Club is starting something new - Interclub tennis! This idea stemmed from our HEB teams playing in their USTA league matches. As our teams travelled from club to club, some of our opponents enjoyed their matches so much, they suggested getting together for "fun". We thought this was a good idea and have temporarily designated Wednesday evening from 6:00 until 7:30 PM for that purpose. We will be playing at HEB next week (Sept. 5th weather permitting) with four ladies from Piney Creek Tennis Club. Violet and Jenny were scheduled to play these ladies last week (and this week) but were rained out.

We are assuming Piney Creek Tennis Club will want us to travel to their club on alternate weeks, but since this concept is so new, we have not even discussed details.

To date, nine ladies have signed up for the interclub sessions. If you would like to be included, please call or email Liz Wallace - thanks!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

HEB Senior "Pink" Team

HEB Senior "pink team" finished their league last night. We are glad to report that they (like their counterparts, the Super Senior team) are undefeated and will go to the District play-offs in September. We would love any members from HEB to come and cheer us on. Watch this space for details.

We had a great evening at the Pinery in Parker last night. The hosting team supplied lots of wonderful munchies and beverages. Recipes were exchanged especially the delicious cheese and onion dip. Jan scribbled the recipe down as quickly as she could - so hopefully she can share it with others.

The Pinery is located on Parker Road about 4 miles south of town. They have indoor and outdoor courts and a great pro shop. For more information contact: Pinery County Club Tennis Shop at 303-841-3512 or Double Angel Foundation at 303-841-2420.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

First Senior Mixed Doubles at HEB

HEB now have a mixed doubles team playing in the USTA league. From left to right: Marlene, Tricia and Carol were the ladies contingent for the first mixed doubles match that was played last Sunday at HEB. Sorry guys – we didn’t get you in the photo!

It was a blisteringly hot day especially during the lunch time period when their match was scheduled. All three teams did well - but unfortunately we lost 2-1. There’s another match this weekend – so let’s wish them luck!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday Practice

What a beautiful day for tennis! Even though the temperature soared today - we still had fun. We got three sets in as usual and then off for a spot of lunch. Good exercise, good friends and nice lunch, what more could anyone want?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Monday “Drop In” Tennis

This morning we had eight ladies attend our Monday “Drop-in” tennis session. We all defied the weather by turning up regardless of the forecast and enjoyed our matches.

Afterwards, we decided to have even more fun by getting a photo of the “Marine on duty” who was paying “attention” to our games (sorry – had to pun). He stood at the entrance to the golf tournament which was held at Heritage Eagle Bend today.

Nancy (left) and Tricia (right).

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

News on the Senior Tennis Team

Hi Ladies,

Good work, we are undefeated!! I would like to have a practice/get-together Saturday (the 4th) at 10:30 a.m. at our courts. Hopefully most of you can attend.

I am hoping to have the following people play next Tues. the 7th: Joanne, Jenny, Donna, Tricia, Jan R. and Carol C. and I would love it if all of those could come Sat. so we can come up with a good lineup. Only Violet is out of town as far as I know, so you others need to be on "standby" just in case. Violet, will you be back for the 14th? Tues. the 7th is a home match so hopefully the nonplayers could come to cheer us on.

Let me know how the 4th at 10:30 works. Thanks.

Carol Chiolero.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Second Win for Seniors

HEB Senior Ladies won their second match at the City of Aurora on Tuesday night. Two of the matches went to three sets - one match lasting for 2 hours and 40 minutes. Needless to say, our ladies were tired at the end (unfortunately losing the tie breaker) but they thoroughly enjoyed themselves and said their opponents were friendly and yet competitive.

The senior team have a bye next week (7/31), but we'll be ready for our next match which will be played at home on August 7th - please come and cheer us on.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monday “Drop In” Tennis

From left to right: Marlene, Tricia, Corky and Violet stop for a moment during Monday "Drop In" tennis a few weeks ago. As you know, the drills have stopped for a while but we are still getting together at 8:00 AM on Monday mornings, so please drop by.

Rain stopped play last week for our Thursday "Sign Up" session. We all took shelter at the clubhouse, but the rain was so heavy we knew it was time to leave. Let's hope the weather will be kind to us this Thursday.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Back to Normal

Hi Ladies,

Since our drills have come to an end on Mondays, we will have all the courts for drop in tennis. Let's meet on court 1 for Monday tennis @ 8:00 a.m.

Thursday tennis is still @ 9:00 a.m. and you must sign up ahead of time on the sheets on the tennis bulletin board.

See you then,

Gail Hedy

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Heroic Effort

Here's Carol after one of the most courageous efforts anyone has ever made on the tennis courts. She's still in pain from the leg cramps but the smile on Mo's face tells the outcome of a thrilling 3 set victory that was very even all the way through the third set tiebreaker.

(Larry Place's photo and comments)

Tuesday began with temperatures reaching 100 degrees and ended with high winds, stormy skies and very light rain, but that didn’t stop our team winning 2-1.

Carol Lawson and Mo Schween won their match after a fantastic effort in which Carol suffered badly from cramp in her leg. After a five minute break, the match resumed and included a nail biting third set tiebreaker, which thankfully Carol and Mo won. They were both very courageous despite the obvious pain that Carol was experiencing. Needless to say, we were all thrilled when they won.

Afterwards, we sat in the gazebo and toasted Carol and Mo and all those who participated in our team effort. A big "thank you" to our team and all those who came out to support us. Jan Place, who injured her ankle in Saturday’s practice, came out on crutches to watch us play. Jan, we hope you get better soon.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Violet is Recognized by Avon

Violet Marquez, a member of our HEB Pink Team, was recently honored for her efforts in raising money for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. She is an ardent supporter of the walk raising at least $1,800 (each year) to help fight the disease. She was featured in the Avon July 2007 newsletter as the oldest participating member of the walk at 75 years! Yeah to Violet! We’re proud of you – what an inspiration!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Second Year to Districts

This is the second year that HEB (pink) team will represent our tennis club at "Districts." Last year, our team came second in the District Tournament losing by only one game. This year, we have done particularly well in the regular tennis league with a score of 10-0. We plan on doing our very best at the District Tournament in September. Please wish us luck!

HEB Gold Finishes League in Style

(Please note: Not all members were available for our photo)

The HEB Gold team finished their season of league play on July 13 in third place – only one match out of second place winning six matches out of ten. Being a new team captained by Susan Behm and Carol Lawson, they were off to a very slow start. Not having enough players in the early matches contributed to them losing a match or two and starting out the season in last place. But after losing their first three matches, the “Gorgeous in Gold” team came back and won all but one match losing only to the “Pretty in Pink” HEB Pink Team. Two of the teams that beat HEB Gold in the early season were beaten by them handily in their second matches of the season.

We will sadly miss Mo Schween next year as she has moved out of the community and is no longer eligible to play. We really hate to see her go. Mo played in the six of the #1 doubles slot with Carol Lawson and once with Nancy Bishoff in the #2 doubles and won all seven of her matches. Thank you, Mo, for your contribution to our team and for helping us pull out the third place finish.

It has been a great experience and hope to all be back next year and be right up there with HEB Pink. Everyone is so proud of all our girls.

Susan Behm

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

General Tennis Guidelines for Thursday Tennis

After speaking with Gail, coordinators and listening to members’ comments and suggestions to improve our Thursday tennis sessions, we thought we'd pull some guidelines together. They are:

  • Each player should sign-up by noon on Wednesday for the next day’s session. If a player has signed up and cannot make it – then they should try to find a substitute (a friend from another location would be good) or let your coordinator know quickly and she will do her best to find a replacement
  • Players should be punctual and expect to play for 2 hours
  • If the coordinator has an odd number of players, then the odd number players (those who were the last to sign up) may be dropped or perhaps they can play Australian or singles, but will not participate in the rotation (see below)
  • On Wednesday afternoon, the monthly coordinator will pick up the Sign Up Sheet and arrange a line up of players for the following day. Depending on how many players, the coordinator will choose the first 4 players for each court.
  • After the first session is finished, everyone moves around using the rotation method explained below. This seems to be the fairest (and best) method that most ladies seem to prefer
  • The coordinator will list the 4 players on each court (first session) but the players themselves decide who will be their partner. Usually, 2 ladies spin their racquets. If the spin matches (both down or both up), then those 2 ladies will be partners. If the spin doesn't match (one up and one down), then those 2 ladies will be opponents
  • There will be approximately 10 minutes of warm up and then approximately 40 minutes of play time in each sessionAt the end of the first session, the coordinator will advise the teams that 40 minutes has lapsed
  • After the first set, winner move up, losers move down, the only exceptions are the winners on Court #1 stay and the losers on the last court stay – then split partners. At each rotation, players should split their teams using the method above (spinning racquets).

Other ideas or comments: The coordinator will bring the following week’s Sign Up Sheet down to the courts so that members can add their names to the list.

Since our sessions are approximately 40 minutes, it doesn’t matter whether you use regular scoring or no-ad scoring – that’s your choice.

These guidelines have been prepared to help our ladies and the monthly coordinators organize the matches. After all, this is a time for less stress, more fun, more enjoyment and learning more about tennis.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Double Winners!!

HEB Gold and HEB Pink teams both won their league matches this morning. Pink team played at the Colorado Athletic Club, Monaco, and the Gold Team played their away match at Gates Tennis Center. Competition level was high as some matches took more than two hours to complete. Several players were tired and "just wanted to get it (the set) over and done with..." but they persevered and we're glad to report a double win for HEB Ladies Tennis.
Photograph courtesy: Marlene Murray

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Cool in the Shade

Two members from last Thursday's tennis take a breather in the shade. With temperatures close to 95 degrees by lunch time last week - most players paced themselves, took a rest and drank plenty of water. Thankfully this week, the weather has been a little kinder to us all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tennis Mixer - July 22nd

We are planning a Tennis Mixer & BBQ on Sunday, July 22nd. Tennis will be from 4:00 - 7:00 pm and the BBQ will be from 7:00 - 9:00 pm on the patio.

The tennis is free and the cost for the BBQ will be:

Hot Dogs or Bratwurst $5.00
Chicken or Hamburgers $7.00

The meal includes a side dish & lemonade or iced tea. There will also be a keg with $2.00 beers and & $6.00 pitchers.

There is a sign up sheet on the Tennis Bulletin Board. If you spouse/significant other does not play tennis, they are welcome to come and join us.

Since we are having our mixer during the pickle ball players scheduled court time, we have asked the pickle ball players to join us. They can rotate in and out like the tennis players and join us for the BBQ. (I don't think there are many pickle ball players at the time, but they are welcome.)

The mixers are always a lot of fun, so sign up early so we can get a count for the BBQ. Thanks,

Gail Hedy

July 9th Tennis Committee Meeting

At our next tennis committee meeting on Monday July 9th at 7:00 PM, you will have a chance to meet and talk to Edward Simpkins and Jeffrey Wells. Jeffrey is the new Clubhouse Manager. This will be an opportunity to discuss tennis at HEB and improvements you would like to see for the rest of 2007 and for 2008.

I hope to send a few questions to Edward by Thursday so we can resolve a few issues at the meeting. If you have any questions you would like to have presented, please forward them to me. After the list is reviewed, I plan to allow time for questions from the group.

I hope to see many of you at the meeting.

Larry Place
Gail Hedy

Anyone for Mixed Doubles - Time is of the Essense!

We have been trying to form an ITA 6.5 Combined Rating Mixed Doubles team. Matches would be on Sunday afternoons from mid August through the end of September. We don't have quite enough players yet to form the team. Our deadline is in about a week. If you are interested in playing on the team, please let me know ASAP so we'll know if we will be able to have an HEB team or not.

Also, we play our regular HEB Mixed Doubles on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. We'd like to offer an additional time to play on Sunday evenings at 7:00 pm. If you'd like to play some informal mixed doubles on Sundays, and Sunday mornings don't work for you, plan on playing Sunday evening, starting this Sunday, July 8th.

Have a nice 4th of July,

Gail Hedy

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Double Win for HEB

HEB Pink and Gold Teams each won their respective matches on Friday, June 29th 3-0 and 3-0. Yeah to both teams!!!

HEB Pink played their matches at the Colorado Athletic Club Inverness. Two matches were played inside and one outside. The club has a lot to offer and boasts of twelve outdoor and eight indoor courts. They also offer multiple leagues, clinics, ladders, etc. all to “fine tune” a player’s game.

More to come soon on HEB Gold Team, so watch this space!

The opposing team were friendly and hospitable – seen here are five members from The Colorado Athletic Club as the team captain records the scores and we all enjoy some light refreshments.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Our Captain for June

Each month, a captain is designated to organize and arrange teams for our Thursday morning practice. Joy is the captain for June and we want to thank her for a job well done. She has tried a new match scheduling technique this month based her bridge club experience. The method takes 16 players and, at random, sorts them into doubles teams. We each receive a slip of paper with our name and a designated number that tells us which court and partner. It has worked very well – thank you Joy! If only we could remember the score during the matches, we’d have it made!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

HEB Gold Team Play HEB Pink Team

The HEB Gold played the HEB Pink team (or Gorgeous in Gold and Pretty in Pink) on Friday, June 22nd. The matches were played on our home courts and were enjoyed by the respective teams and several spectators. It is never easy to play in competition against friends, but all members tried their hardest to put those feelings behind them and concentrate on the matches at hand. HEB pink team won 2-1.

The weather was a little more cooperative on Friday after the sweltering heat of Thursday when it reached almost 90 ° by lunchtime. Our ladies had light refreshments under the gazebo after the matches.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Monday “Drop In” Tennis

Monday morning tennis practice is always a lot of fun. We have drills by our tennis coach beginning at 8:00 AM for an hour and then a second session begins at 9:00 AM. The drills are excellent (there is a waiting list) and provide all sorts of tactics and strategies that the ladies then put into action. Seen here is Debra Pope just waiting to put those strategies into practice.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday’s Practice Drills

The ladies tennis members had discussed having some tennis drills, but it was Susan Behm who pulled it all together. In the beginning we were just going to have “a couple of drills and see how we get on…” but now there is a waiting list as members sign up weeks ahead to be sure of getting a slot. This is a lot of work for Susan who maintains the list, informs the members of their respective day/time of the drill, etc. Susan said recently, “I never imagined the drills would be so popular – I think it’s fantastic!” We are all very grateful for Susan’s continued role in keeping the sessions organized. Susan is also the captain of the HEB gold team – a team that is brand new this year and doing very well in the league.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

HEB Pink and Gold Teams

HEB (pink team) played their match at Gates Tennis Center on Friday, June 15th. HEB won two of their three matches. Likewise HEB (gold team) won their matches at home against the Colorado Athletic Club at Inverness, also winning two of their three matches.
Seen here is the Gates tennis ladies (one of whom had to leave unfortunately) who kindly posed for this photograph . They were great hosts and supplied a lovely breakfast and drinks after the matches.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Annoucement for Men's Tennis

The HEB men's tennis have a blog! Following is the url for their site. Go and check it out!

Larry Place is in the process of laying out the blog and still has a couple of things such as the masthead, etc. to get organized...but he'll get to that as soon as he has time. Likewise with photos, he intends to get to these things done as soon as he can.

So, please flag this site and add it to your "favorites list" and visit it often.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tennis Dues & Meeting Notes

This is just a reminder for those of you who have not paid their $10 dues. You can give the money to any of the Tennis Club Officers (Larry Place, Gail Hedy, Carrie Sharp or Jim Rogers).

It was decided in our Tennis Club Meeting this evening that we will be using some of our dues money to purchase: Court Numbers, Squeegie Replacement Rollers & Push Brooms.

Also, Jenny Hays has generously offered to buy pads for 3 of our light posts, since some of these light posts were installed too close to the courts and are very dangerous. Thanks so much, Jenny, and welcome back for the summer.

Gail Hedy

Monday, June 11, 2007

New Mixed Doubles Team at HEB

We are forming an ITA Mixed Doubles team for HEB. This will be a combined rating 6.5 team. The matches are played on Sunday afternoons and the season runs from August 12th thru September 30th.

I believe we have a number of couples whose ratings are 3.0 and 3.5 (6.5 total). But you don’t need to have a partner to be on the team. If you'd like to sign up without a partner, we will try to match you with someone to play with.

We need to have at least 3 couples registered by July 23rd. Nancy Strauss has agreed to be the captain, but I will be putting the team together for her. Please respond to me if you are interested in being on the team. This will be our first HEB mixed doubles team, so I'm excited to get this going.

Please let me know soon if you are interested in playing. Thanks,

Gail Hedy

Reminder of New Schedules

Hi Ladies,

This is just a reminder that Monday Drop-In Tennis is moved to 8:00 a.m. for the next few months. On Mondays, drop in tennis is on Courts 3 & 4. (Courts 1 & 2 have drills). We will rotate players on courts 3 & 4.

Thursday tennis will remain at 9:00 a.m. and you do need to sign up ahead of time on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board.

We have our next tennis meeting Monday, the 11th, at 7:00 p.m. See you then.

Gail Hedy

Monday, June 4, 2007

Women and Men’s Tennis Event

On Sunday, June 3rd, the tennis season officially began with a fantastic afternoon of tennis with mixed doubles followed by a Pot Luck Supper. Everyone contributed a dish to the table and it blended nicely with the food and drinks that Gail and Ron supplied.

All in all, it was an excellent afternoon and evening. We very much appreciate Gail and Ron (pictured) for hosting the event – we all had a wonderful time. Many thanks!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Beginner (refresher) Classes

Some members of our team recall the last time they played tennis. They remember using a wooden racquet that was kept inside a wooden frame!!! These members have turned up for Monday morning practice but feel they have been away from the sport for too long and need help.

In an effort to accommodate those members of HEB who want to get back into tennis after a lengthy absence, or for those who have never played and want to learn tennis for the first time in their lives, the tennis club is offering special beginner’s sessions.

Gail Hedy, co-president of our tennis club said “We have lessons on Tuesdays @ 11:00 a.m. Larry & Jenny Lindsay are the volunteers who are giving those lessons. Their first lesson will be this Tuesday, June 5th. We already have 4 people who are signed up to take that lesson.

We also have lessons on Wednesday mornings @ 8:00 a.m. These lessons are given by Jerry Wagner and Carrie Sharp. So far, one person has signed up for that lesson. We want to encourage everyone who is interested to come to these classes.”

HEB at Monaco

It was an early start to our league match on Friday, June 1st. The ladies in pink left HEB at 7:00 AM for their away match at the Colorado Athletic Club Monaco. Although the morning began cold and relatively cloudy, the sun soon came out and the morning was beautiful.

The Colorado Athletic Club Monaco has wonderful facilities with twelve outside courts and eight inside, so members are allowed to play year round. The staff at Monaco was very helpful and courteous welcoming our team on an announcement board at the front desk and telling us which courts were allotted for our matches – we all thought this was very professional and well organized.

After our matches, (3-0 to HEB) the Monaco team provided a great breakfast of fruit and pastries. The ladies were friendly and courteous hosts (see photo). What a nice way to start a day!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

HEB at The Athletic Club

The HEB Tennis Club's Pink team played their third match at The Athletic Club on Inverness on Friday morning, May 25th.We are happy to announce that our team played superbly with yet another win of 3-0. The matches were not easy but our gals hung in there despite the extra effort by their opponents and brought home another win for the HEB Tennis Club!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Lunch at the Club

After our scheduled tennis matches on Thursday (sign up sheets in the hallway), many members head towards the restaurant for a nice lunch. HEB provide a great lunch on the patio on Thursdays. They usually provide a delicious chicken sandwich, Bratwurst or hamburger patty with potato salad, tomatoes, onion, etc. as well as other accompaniments. Chips, lemonade or ice tea is also included in the price which ranges from $5-$7. The lunch is open to everyone and is well attended. Usually, many members of our group attend the lunch as you can see from this photograph.

Senior Team Sign Up

It's time to get our Senior Teams organized. Carol Chiolero will be captaining her team again this year. If anyone who did not play on her team last year would like to play this year, please let me know. If we have enough ladies, we may be able to form another team.

Please let me know if you are interested in playing. Just let me know your rating (if you have one). You need to be 50 years old or older. Play is on Tuesday evenings @ 6:00 pm (for 3.0 teams) or Thursday evenings @ 6:00 pm (for 3.5 teams).

We need to have our teams registered with the CTA before June 18th, so please let me know ASAP if you want to play. Thanks.

Submitted by: Gail Hedy

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

HEB Tennis News

This is our very first post on our new tennis Blog. Visit us often to get news, schedules, events and other information. We have over 125 members in our men and women’s tennis groups, and feel this Blog will be an asset to us by spreading information quickly and effectively.

The women play outdoors on Mondays and Thursdays at 9:00 AM. Monday tennis is a drop in, so you can just show up and play. The Thursday tennis is on a first come, first serve basis. For the Thursday tennis, you must sign up on the “Sign Up Sheets” each week on the Bulletin Board which is located in the hallway behind the pro shop.

Our next event is a Summer Kickoff Tennis Mixer/Pot Luck which is scheduled for Sunday, June 3 from 2:00 – 5:00 PM. There will be a Pot Luck at Ron and Gail Hedy’s home following the mixer. The mixer is free. Bring a dish to pass around and your drinks to the pot luck. The main dish will be provided. Sign up on the “Sign Up Sheet” on the Tennis Bulletin Board in the hallway behind the pro shop. If your spouse/significant other doesn’t play tennis, they are still welcome to join us. It should be lots of fun.

There are two women’s USTA Super Senior teams (age 60+) Interclub. The matches are played at 8:00 AM on Friday mornings. If you are interested in participating, contact Carrie Sharp at 720-479-8414. Our teams play their first league game on May 11th – wish us luck! Last year, our Super Senior team played in the District finals and lost by only one match! This year, we have two teams, pretty in pink and gorgeous in gold – come cheer us on!

The photograph was taken May 8 during tennis drills by John Gibas.

Monday, May 7, 2007

HEB Gold - Team Results


5/11/2007____CACI Blue____Lost 2-1

5/18/2007____HEB Pink_____Lost 3-0
5/25/2007____RPTC Red_____Lost 2-1
6/1/2007_____GTC Green____Won 2-1
6/8/2007_____CACM Red_____Won 2-1
6/15/2007____CACI Blue____Won 2-1
6/22/2007____HEB Pink_____Lost 2-1
6/29/2007____RTC Red______Won 3-0
7/6/2007_____GTC Green____Won 2-1
7/13/2007____CACM Red_____Won 2-1

Monday, April 30, 2007

Lost and Found

Visit this link regularly to check for lost items