
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

News on the Senior Tennis Team

Hi Ladies,

Good work, we are undefeated!! I would like to have a practice/get-together Saturday (the 4th) at 10:30 a.m. at our courts. Hopefully most of you can attend.

I am hoping to have the following people play next Tues. the 7th: Joanne, Jenny, Donna, Tricia, Jan R. and Carol C. and I would love it if all of those could come Sat. so we can come up with a good lineup. Only Violet is out of town as far as I know, so you others need to be on "standby" just in case. Violet, will you be back for the 14th? Tues. the 7th is a home match so hopefully the nonplayers could come to cheer us on.

Let me know how the 4th at 10:30 works. Thanks.

Carol Chiolero.

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