
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

General Tennis Guidelines for Thursday Tennis

After speaking with Gail, coordinators and listening to members’ comments and suggestions to improve our Thursday tennis sessions, we thought we'd pull some guidelines together. They are:

  • Each player should sign-up by noon on Wednesday for the next day’s session. If a player has signed up and cannot make it – then they should try to find a substitute (a friend from another location would be good) or let your coordinator know quickly and she will do her best to find a replacement
  • Players should be punctual and expect to play for 2 hours
  • If the coordinator has an odd number of players, then the odd number players (those who were the last to sign up) may be dropped or perhaps they can play Australian or singles, but will not participate in the rotation (see below)
  • On Wednesday afternoon, the monthly coordinator will pick up the Sign Up Sheet and arrange a line up of players for the following day. Depending on how many players, the coordinator will choose the first 4 players for each court.
  • After the first session is finished, everyone moves around using the rotation method explained below. This seems to be the fairest (and best) method that most ladies seem to prefer
  • The coordinator will list the 4 players on each court (first session) but the players themselves decide who will be their partner. Usually, 2 ladies spin their racquets. If the spin matches (both down or both up), then those 2 ladies will be partners. If the spin doesn't match (one up and one down), then those 2 ladies will be opponents
  • There will be approximately 10 minutes of warm up and then approximately 40 minutes of play time in each sessionAt the end of the first session, the coordinator will advise the teams that 40 minutes has lapsed
  • After the first set, winner move up, losers move down, the only exceptions are the winners on Court #1 stay and the losers on the last court stay – then split partners. At each rotation, players should split their teams using the method above (spinning racquets).

Other ideas or comments: The coordinator will bring the following week’s Sign Up Sheet down to the courts so that members can add their names to the list.

Since our sessions are approximately 40 minutes, it doesn’t matter whether you use regular scoring or no-ad scoring – that’s your choice.

These guidelines have been prepared to help our ladies and the monthly coordinators organize the matches. After all, this is a time for less stress, more fun, more enjoyment and learning more about tennis.

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